Welcome New Member!

Welcome New Member to Brf Skytten 3!
We hope you will enjoy living in our housing association.

The housing association’s website is the main information channel about accommodation, the statutes of our housing association, and current information from the board. Additionally, there is information on the notice board in all the entrances. There you will find information about contact persons for questions, problems, and fault reporting. You can put questions, ideas, and suggestions in the board’s mailbox by the laundry room or send them in an email to brfadmin@skytten3.se. If you want to inform your neighbors about renovations, parties, or other things, you are welcome to use the notice board in the entrance.

The most important things in a housing association are regulated in the statutes. You can find the statutes here.

In addition to the statutes, the housing association’s board has adopted a number of ”common courtesy” rules so that all residents know what applies in Brf Skytten 3. These can be found on the website under the heading Trivsel och Grannsämja (Well-being and Neighborliness – unfortunately only in Swedish for the moment).

Some important things you should read about in the statutes and ”common courtesy” rules are these:

  • A clear explanation of what the housing association is responsible for and what you as a member are responsible for can be found in §§17–20 of the statutes.
  • Rules for what you are allowed to do yourself, what you need the board’s permission for, and at what times you can do certain types of work such as drilling and other loud activities can be found in section 24 of the bylaws. Under the heading Renovate and Care, you will find a routine for applying to renovate as well as the requirements the housing association places on the renovation and professionalism of the work and/or the contractors. If you are in the least bit unsure, contact the board. The board also has the opportunity to get help in assessing various renovation works through the housing association’s technical manager.
  • Information about membership in the housing association can be found in §§40–45 of the statutes. As a member, you can make your voice heard at the annual general meeting held during the month of May. A separate notice together with information about the annual report (stored on our website) is distributed well in advance of the meeting. You can also submit motions to the general meeting or submit your own proposals to the board.
  • The housing association sorts normal household waste and has separate bins for household waste, food waste, and newspaper collection. Members have the opportunity to leave small electrical waste and batteries in collection containers in the basement in port 6 C. The cooperative does not have waste sorting for glass, plastic, paper, or bulky waste. These can be left at one of Solna city’s waste stations. Under the heading Garbage and Waste on the website, you can read more details about our waste management.

We have two communal cleaning days per year, one in the spring and one in the autumn, when we clear and clean together both outside and inside. We usually start at ten o’clock in the morning and end with a joint barbecue of sausages on our patio around lunchtime. These days are a good opportunity to meet the neighbors and get to know each other. Knowing who lives in our house contributes to security and prevents crime.

If you are interested in board work, contact the election committee. We would like to see many people get involved in the joint work. Please let us know if there is any information you are missing on the website. You are always welcome to contact the board via email (brfadmin@skytten3.se).

Again, a warm welcome to our housing association!

The Board of Brf Skytten 3